Privacy Policy
The following is the Notice of Privacy Practices of Pesach Tikvah Hope Development Inc. HIPAA is a federal law that requires us to
maintain the privacy of your protected health information and to provide you with notice of our legal duties and privacy policies with
respect to your protected health information. We are required by law to abide by the terms of this Notice of Privacy Practices.
Your Protected Health Information
Your Protected Health Information (PHI) broadly includes any health information, oral, written or recorded, that is created or
received by us, other healthcare providers, and health insurance companies or plans, that contains data, such as your name,
address, social security or patient identification number, and other information, that could be used to identify you as the individual
patient who is associated with that health information.
Rules on How We May Use or Disclosure Your Protected Health Information
General rules on how we may use or disclose your PHI with your permission, and must use or disclose your PHI in accordance with
the terms of your permission. "Use" refers generally to activities within our office. "Disclosure" refers generally to activities involving
parties outside of our office. The following are the circumstances under which we are permitted or required to use or disclose your
PHI. In all cases, we are required to limit such uses or disclosures to the minimal amount of PHI that is reasonably required.
Without Your Written Authorization, Treatment, Payment and Health Operations
Without your written authorization, we may use within our office, or disclose to those outside our office, your PHI in order to
provide you with the treatment you require or request, to collect payment for our services, and to conduct other related health care
operations as follows:
Treatment activities include: (a) use within our office by our professional staff for the provision, coordination, or management of
your health care at our office; and (b) our contacting you to provide appointment reminders or information about treatment
alternatives or other healthrelated services that may be of interest to you.
Payment activities include: (a) if you initially consent to treatment using the benefits of your contract with your health insurance
plan, we will disclose to your health plans or plan administrators, or their appointed agents, PHI for such plans or administrators to
determine coverage, for their medical necessity reviews, for their appropriateness of care reviews, for their utilization review
activities, and for adjudication of health benefit claims; (b) disclosures for billing for which we may utilize the services of outside
billing companies and claims processing companies with which we have Business Associate Agreements that protect the privacy of
your PHI; and (c) disclosures to attorneys, courts, collection agencies and consumer reporting agencies, of information as
necessary for the collection of our unpaid fees, provided that we notify you in writing prior to our making collection efforts that
require disclosure of your PHI.
Health care operations include: (a) use within our office for training of our professional staff and for internal quality control and
auditing functions (b) use within our office for general administrative activities such as filing, typing, etc.; and (c) disclosures to our
attorney, accountant, bookkeeper and similar consultants to our healthcare operations, provided that we shall have entered into
Business Associate Agreements with such consultants for the protection of your PHI.
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have Received, read, and understand the Bill of Rights and Notice of Privacy Practices of
Pesach Tikvah Hope Development Inc. and that any questions I had about it have been answered.
Without Your Written Authorization, Special
Situations and As Required By Law
In limited circumstances, we may use or disclose your PHI without your written authorization and in accord with HIPAA or as
required by law. Examples include: (a) disclosures regarding reports of child abuse or neglect, including reporting to social service or
child protective services agencies; (b) disclosures to State authorities of imminent risk of danger presented by patients to self or
others for the purpose of restricting patient access to firearms; (c) health oversight activities including audits, civil, administrative, or
criminal investigations, inspections, licensure or disciplinary actions, or civil, administrative, or criminal proceedings or actions, or
other activities necessary for appropriate oversight of government benefit programs; (d) judicial and administrative proceedings in
response to an order of a court or administrative tribunal, or other lawful process; (e) to the extent necessary to protect you or
others from a serious imminent risk of danger presenWed b\ \oX; (f) for Zorker¶s compensaWion claims, (g) as reqXired b\ Whe
Secretary of Health and Human Services to investigate or determine our compliance with federal regulations, including those
regarding government programs providing public benefits, (h) for research projects where your PHI has been deidentified, that is no
longer identifies you by name or any distinguishing marks, and cannot be associated with you, (i) to family members, friends and
others involved in your care, but only if you are present and give oral permission
Minimum Necessary Rule:
We will use or disclose your PHI without your authorization for the above purposes only to the extent necessary, and will release
only the minimum necessary amount of PHI to accomplish the purpose.
All Other Situations, With Your Specific Written
Except as otherwise permitted or required as described above, we may not use or disclose your PHI without your written
authorization. Written authorization is required, among other uses and disclosures, for (1) most uses and disclosures of
Psychotherapy Notes, (2) uses and disclosures for marketing purposes, (3) uses and disclosures that involve the sale of PHI and
(4) other uses and disclosures not described in this Notice. Further, we are required to use or disclose your PHI consistent with the
terms of your authorization. You may revoke your authorization to use or disclose any PHI at any time, except to the extent that
we have taken action in reliance on such authorization, or, if you provided the authorization as a condition of obtaining insurance
coverage, other law provides the insurer with the right to contest a claim under the policy. We will not sell your PHI or use your PHI
for paid marketing or fundraising purposes without your written authorization; we do not plan to use your PHI in marketing or
Special Handling of Psychotherapy Notes
3Ps\choWherap\ NoWes ́ are defined as records of commXnicaWions dXring indiYidXal or famil\ coXnseling Zhich may be maintained
in addition to and separate from medical or healthcare records. Psychotherapy Notes are only released with your specific written
authorization except in limited instances, including: (a) if you sue us or place a complaint, we may use Psychotherapy Notes in our
defense; (b) to the United States Department of Health and Human Services in an investigation of our compliance with HIPAA; (c)
to health oversight agencies for a lawful purpose related to oversight of our practice; and (d) to the extent necessary to protect
you or others from a serious imminent risk of danger presented by you. Health insurers may not condition treatment, payment,
enrollment, or eligibility for benefits on obtaining authorization to review, or on reviewing, Psychotherapy Notes.
Your Rights With Respect to Your Protected Health
Under HIPAA, you have certain rights with respect to your PHI. The following is an overview of your rights and our duties with
respect to enforcing those rights.
Right To Request Restrictions On Use Or
You have the right to request restrictions on certain uses and disclosures of your PHI. While we are not required to agree to any
requested restriction, if we agree to a restriction, we are bound not to use or disclose your protected healthcare information in
violation of such restriction, except in certain emergency situations. We will not accept a request to restrict uses or disclosures that
are otherwise required by law. If you have paid for our services in full yourself, outofpocket, then we must comply with your
request to restrict those disclosures of your PHI that would otherwise be made for payment or healthcare operations, that are
unnecessary because of your manner of payment. We require that all requests for restrictions be in writing and specify (1) the
information to be restricted, (2) the type of restriction being requested, and (3) to whom the limits apply. You must also state a
reason for the request. We will respond in writing to all requests within 30 days or receipt.
Right To Receive Confidential Communications By
Alternative Means And At Alternative Locations
Right To Receive Confidential Communications By
Alternative Means And At Alternative Locations
Right To Inspect and Copy Your Protected Health
Information, Including In Electronic Format
You have the right of access in order to inspect, and to obtain a copy of your PHI, including any PHI maintained in electronic format,
except for (a) personal notes and observations of the treating provider, (b) information compiled in reasonable anticipation of, or for
use in, a civil, criminal, or administrative action or proceeding, (c) health information maintained by us to the extent to which the
provision of access to you is at our discretion, and we exercise our professional judgment to deny you access, and (d) health
information maintained by us to the extent to which the provision of access to you would be prohibited by law.
We require written requests for copies of your PHI; they should be sent to our PrivacySecurity Officer at the mailing address below.
You may request your PHI in the format of your choice, and where feasible, we will comply. If you request a copy of your PHI, we
will charge a fee for copying, or for electronic records, for labor and supplies. We reserve the right to deny you access to and copies
of all or certain PHI as permitted or required by law. Upon denial of a request for access or request for information, we will provide
you with a written denial specifying the basis for denial, a statement of your rights, and a description of how you may file an appeal
or complaint.
Right To Amend Your Protected Health
You have the right to request that we amend your PHI, for as long as your medical record is maintained by us. We have the right to
deny your request for amendment. We require that you submit written requests and provide a reason to support the requested
If we deny your request, we will provide you with a written denial stating the basis of the denial, your right to submit a written
statement disagreeing with the denial, and a description of how you may file a complaint with us and/or the Secretary of the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). If we accept your request for amendment, we will make reasonable efforts to
provide the amendment within a reasonable time to persons identified by you as having received PHI of yours prior to amendment
and persons that we know have the PHI that is the subject of the amendment and that may have relied, or could foreseeably rely,
on such information to your detriment. All requests for amendments shall be sent to our PrivacySecurity Officer at the mailing
address below.
Right To Receive An Accounting Of Disclosures Of
Your PHI And Electronic Health Records
You have the right to receive a written accounting of all disclosures of your PHI for which you have not provided an authorization
that we have made within the six (6) year period immediately preceding the date on which the accounting is requested. You may
request an accounting of such disclosure for a period of time less than six (6) years from the date of the request. We require that
you request an accounting in writing on a form that we will provide to you.
The accounting of disclosures will include the date of each disclosure, the name and, if known, the address of the entity or person
who received the information, a brief description of the information disclosed, and a brief statement of the purpose and basis of the
disclosure or, instead of such statement, a copy of your written authorization or written request for disclosure pertaining to such
information. We are not required to provide accountings of disclosures for the following purposes: (a) treatment, payment, and
healthcare operations, (b) disclosures pursuant to your authorization, (c) disclosures to you, (d) to other healthcare providers
involved in your care, (e) for national security or intelligence purposes, (f) to correctional institutions, and (g) with respect to
disclosures occurring prior to 4/14/2003. We reserve the right to temporarily suspend your right to receive an accounting of
disclosures to health oversight agencies or law enforcement officials, as required by law. We will provide the first accounting to you
in any twelve (12) month period without charge, but will impose a reasonable costbased fee for responding to each subsequent
request for accounting within that same twelve (12) month period. All requests for an accounting shall be sent to our Privacy-
Security Officer at the mailing address below.
If we maintain any PHI in electronic form, then you may also request and receive an accounting of any disclosures of your electronic
health records made for purposes of treatment, payment and health operations during the prior three (3) year period. Upon
request, one list will be provided for free every twelve (12) months.
Right To Notification If There Is A Breach of Your
Protected Health Information
If there is a breach in our protecting your PHI, we will follow HIPAA guidelines to evaluate the circumstances of the breach,
document our investigation, retain copies of the evaluation, and where necessary, report breaches to DHHS. Where a report is
required to DHHS, we will also give you notification of any breach.
Business Associate Rule
Business Associates are entities that in the course of our business with them will obtain access to your PHI. They may use, transmit,
or view your PHI on our behalf. Business Associates are prohibited from redisclosing your PHI without your written consent, or
unless disclosure is required by law. We enter into confidentiality agreements with our Business Associates called Business Associate
Agreements, and they in turn enter into confidentiality agreements with their subcontractors, if any.
You may file a complaint with us and with the Secretary of DHHS if you believe that your privacy rights have been violated. Please
submit any complaint to us in writing by mail to our PrivacySecurity Officer at the mailing address below. A complaint must name
the subject of the complaint and describe the acts or omissions believed to be in violation of the applicable requirements of HIPAA or
this Notice of Privacy Practices. A complaint must be received by us or filed with the Secretary of DHHS within 180 days of when
you knew or should have known that the act or omission complained of occurred. You will not be retaliated against for filing any
complaint. To file a complaint with the Secretary of DHHS, write or call:
The US Department of Health & Human Services Office of Civil Rights
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20201
We reserve the right to revise or amend this Notice of Privacy Practices at any time. These revisions or amendments may be made
effective for all PHI we maintain even if created or received prior to the effective date of the revision or amendment. Upon your
written request, we will provide you with notice of any revisions or amendments to this Notice of Privacy Practices, or changes in
the law affecting this Notice of Privacy Practices, by mail or electronically within 60 days of receipt or your request.
We will provide you with a copy of the most recent version of this Notice of Privacy Practices at any time upon your written request
sent to our PrivacySecurity Officer at the mailing address below. For any other requests or for further information regarding the
privacy of your PHI, and for information regarding the filing of a complaint, please contact us at the address, telephone number, or
email address listed above.
This is our contact information referred to above. Our PrivacySecurity Officer is: Shaindy Strulovitch. Our mailing address is: 926
Bedford / 365 Willoughby Brooklyn, New York 11205. Our telephone number is: 7188756900. Our fax number is: 718875
This is our contact information referred to above. Our PrivacySecurity Officer is: Shaindy Strulovitch. Our mailing address is: 926
Bedford / 365 Willoughby Brooklyn, New York 11205. Our telephone number is: 7188756900. Our fax number is: 718875